
Winds of change: the nuclear and galaxy-scale outflows and the X-ray variability of 2MASS 0918+2117
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 686, A217 (2024)
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Powerful outflows from active galactic nuclei (AGN) can significantly impact the gas reservoirs of their host galaxies. However, it is still unclear how these outflows can propagate from the very central regions of galaxies to their outskirts, and whether nuclear winds can be driven by and/or be responsible for drastic spectral transitions. In this work we test feedback propagation models on the case test of 2MASS 0918+2117 (2M0918), a z=0.149 X-ray variable AGN, which showed tentative evidence for nuclear ultra-fast outflows (UFOs) in a 2005 XMM-Newton observation. We also investigate whether UFOs can be related to the observed X-ray variability. We observed 2M0918 with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR in 2020 to confirm the presence and characterize the UFOs. We perform a kinematic analysis of the 2005 SDSS optical spectrum to reveal and measure the properties of galaxy-scale ionized outflows. Furthermore, we construct 20-year-long lightcurves of observed flux, line-of-sight column density, and intrinsic accretion rate from the spectra of the first 4 SRG/eROSITA all-sky surveys and archival observations from Chandra and XMM-Newton.We significantly detect UFOs with v$\sim$0.16c and galaxy-scale ionized outflows with velocities of $\sim$ 700 km/s. We also find that the drastic X-ray variability (factors >10) can be explained both in terms of variable obscuration and variable intrinsic luminosity.Comparing the energetics of the two outflow phases, 2M0918 is consistent with momentum-driven wind propagation. 2M0918 expands the sample of AGN with both UFOs and ionized gas winds from 5 to 6, and brings the sample of AGN hosting multiscale outflows to 19, contributing to a clearer picture of feedback physics. From the variations in accretion rate, column density, and ionization level of the obscurer, we propose a scenario that connects obscurers, an accretion enhancement, and the emergence of UFOs
Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures