
Quantum Monte Carlo solution of the dynamical mean field equations in real time
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. B 96, 155126 (2017)
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
We present real-time inchworm quantum Monte Carlo results for single-site dynamical mean field theory on an infinite coordination number Bethe lattice. Our numerically exact results are obtained on the L-shaped Keldysh contour and, being evaluated in real-time, avoid the analytic continuation issues typically encountered in Monte Carlo calculations. Our results show that inchworm Monte Carlo methods have now reached a state where they can be used as dynamical mean field impurity solvers and the dynamical sign problem can be overcome. As non-equilibrium problems can be simulated at the same cost, we envisage the main use of these methods as dynamical mean field solvers for time-dependent problems far from equilibrium.