
Proof of the Paszkiewicz's conjecture about a product of positive contractions
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Functional Analysis
Mathematics - Operator Algebras
Mathematics - Spectral Theory
47A63, 47A65
The Paszkiewicz conjecture about a product of positive contractions asserts that given a decreasing sequence $T_1\ge T_2\ge \dots$ of positive contractions on a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, the product $S_n=T_n\dots T_1$ converges strongly. Recently, the first named author verified the conjecture for certain classes of sequences. In this paper, we prove the Paszkiewicz conjecture in full generality. Moreover, we show that in some cases, a generalized version of the Paszkiewicz conjecture also holds.
Comment: version 2: The third named author (Ozawa) has found a full proof of the Paszkiewicz conjecture. Thus, most of the intermediate results from the previous version are removed. 10 pages