
Minkowski Functionals in Joint Galaxy Clustering & Weak Lensing Analyses
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
We investigate the inclusion of clustering maps in a weak lensing Minkowski functional (MF) analysis of DES-like and LSST-like simulations to constrain cosmological parameters. The standard 3x2pt approach to lensing and clustering data uses two-point correlations as its primary statistic; MFs, morphological statistics describing the shape of matter fields, provide additional information for non-Gaussian fields. Previous analyses have studied MFs of lensing convergence maps; in this project we explore their simultaneous application to clustering maps. We employ a simplified linear galaxy bias model, and using a lognormal curved sky measurement and Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) sampling process for parameter inference, we find that MFs do not yield any information in the $\Omega_{\rm m}$ -- $\sigma_8$ plane not already generated by a 3x2pt analysis. However, we expect that MFs should improve constraining power when nonlinear baryonic and other small-scale effects are taken into account. As with a 3x2pt analysis, we find a significant improvement to constraints when adding clustering data to MF-only and MF$+C_\ell$ shear measurements, and strongly recommend future higher order statistics be measured from both convergence and clustering maps.
Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, version accepted by Open Journal of Astrophysics