
Inverse Landau-Khalatnikov Transformation and Infrared Critical Exponents of (2+1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys.Lett. B402 (1997) 154-158
High Energy Physics - Theory
Condensed Matter
By applying an inverse Landau-Khalatnikov transformation, connecting (resummed) Schwinger-Dyson treatments in non-local and Landau gauges of $QED_3$, we derive the infrared behaviour of the wave-function renormalization in the Landau gauge, and the associated critical exponents in the normal phase of the theory (no mass generation). The result agrees with the one conjectured in earlier treatments. The analysis involves an approximation, namely an expansion of the non-local gauge in powers of momenta in the infrared. This approximation is tested by reproducing the critical number of flavours necessary for dynamical mass generation in the chiral-symmetry-broken phase of $QED_3$.
Comment: 13 pages LATEX, 1 Figure (included automatically)