
Semiclassical description of a sixth order quadrupole boson Hamiltonian
Document Type
Working Paper
Nucl.Phys. A772 (2006) 20-54
Nuclear Theory
A sixth order quadrupole boson Hamiltonian is treated through a time dependent variational principle approach choosing as trial function a coherent state with respect to zeroth $b^{\dagger}_0$ and second $b^{\dagger}_2+b^{\dagger}_{-2}$ components of the quadrupole bosons. The coefficients involved in the model Hamiltonian are chosen so that the classical effective potential energy term has two distinct minima. The equation of motion for the radial coordinate is analytically solved and the resulting trajectories are extensively studied. One distinguishes three energy regions exhibiting different types of trajectories. When one passes from the region characterized by two wells to the region of energies higher than the maximum value of the effective potential the trajectories period exhibits a singularity which reflects a phase transition. The classical trajectories are quantized by a constraint similar to the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition. The semiclassical spectra corresponding to the two potential wells have specific properties. The tunneling process through the potential barrier is also studied. The transmission coefficients exhibit jumps in magnitude when the angular momentum acquires certain values.
Comment: 24 pages plus 11 figures