
SDSS-IV MaNGA: pyPipe3D analysis release for 10,000 galaxies
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
We present here the analysis performed using the pyPipe3D pipeline for the final MaNGA dataset included in the SDSS seventeenth data-release. This dataset comprises more than 10,000 individual datacubes, being the integral field spectroscopy galaxy survey with the largest number of galaxies. pyPipe3D processes the IFS datacubes to extract spatially-resolved spectroscopic properties of both the stellar population and the ionized-gas emission lines. A brief summary of the properties of the sample and the characteristics of the analyzed data are included. The article provides details on (i) the performed analysis, (ii) a description of the pipeline, (iii) the adopted stellar population library, (iv) the morphological and photometric analysis, (v) the adopted datamodel for the derived spatially resolved properties and (vi) the individual integrated and characteristic galaxy properties included in a final catalog. Comparisons with results from a previous version of the pipeline for earlier data releases and from other tools using this dataset are included. A practical example on how to use of the full dataset, and final catalog illustrates how to handle the delivered product. Our full analysis can be accessed and downloaded from the webpage http://ifs.astroscu.unam.mx/MaNGA/Pipe3D_v3_1_1/.
Comment: 66 pages, 29 figures, 18 Tables, submitted to ApJS