
提升消化道出血病人疾病認知之正確率 / Improve the Correct Rate of Disease Cognition of Patients with Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Document Type
嘉基護理. Vol. 22 Issue 1, p31-45. 15 p.
gastrointestinal bleeding
The aim of the project was to improve the correct rate of disease cognition among patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastrointestinal bleeding is recognized as a medical emergency condition and lack of disease cognition may result in delay of medical care, prolonged length of stay, increasing the care burden and medical expenditures. Instead, a comprehensive nursing instruction could have benefit in enhancing disease cognition and self-care ability among patients and family. According to the authors investigation, the reasons contributing to low correct rate of disease cognition among patients with gastrointestinal bleeding are as follows: insufficient educational materials, poor level of knowledge regarding gastrointestinal bleeding, and a lack of standard operating procedures and audit for health instruction. The strategies implemented to solve the problems included: producing health pamphlets and poster of upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding, stool identification cards, stool identification models, increasing education sessions of gastrointestinal bleeding, and development of standard operating procedures and audit system for health instruction for gastrointestinal bleeding. After implementation of the project, the correct rate of disease cognition increased from 74.67% to 96.33%, and the level of satisfaction toward nursing unstruction increased from 67.33% to 95.33% among patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. It is suggested to produce a clear, readable, and understandable health education manual for gastrointestinal hemorrhage based on the principles of health literacy-friendly materials. Health education manual with QR code can also provide an opportunity for patients and family to read in hospitals and home.

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