
藍調宣講-活於失衡的調子中 / Blue Note Preaching: Living within the Dissonance
Document Type
建道學刊 / Jian Dao: A Journal of Bible & Theology. Issue 55, p25-43. 19 p.
When the world is experiencing the dissonance of Blues, how should we reflect upon and respond to it with our preaching on the pulpit? Based on the 'Blue Note Preaching' model proposed by Otis Moss III, I would analyze the intertwining relationship between Blue music, African American history, and Blue Preaching/ Blue Note Preaching. The 'dissonance' characteristic of Blues is a carrier that connects the past, present, and future of a unique and contextualized community, embodying the collective traumatic experiences and shaping a Blue preaching model belonging to this particular group. I argue that Blue Preaching has changed preachers' direction of gaze. In the midst of the darkness, dissonance and conflicts that are present in both the world and the Bible, Blue Preaching allows every contextualized Christian community to realize the fact that God is among us, and it empowers each participant who is living in a collective trauma experience. Through Blue Preaching, we hold the dissonance between the darkness of the world and the delayed deliverance promised in the Gospel, and we refuse to fall into despair. Both preachers and listeners are participating in retelling and re-forming the traumatic narrative, in which we shall discover that Jesus Christ is the reason for us to celebrate while living within dissonance.

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