
「來舒衣物消毒劑-清新亞麻味(Lysol Laundry Sanitizer-Crisp Linen Scent)」能有效地殺死白色念珠菌與去除塵蟎過敏原 / 'Lysol Laundry Sanitizer - Crisp Linen Scent' can Effectively Kill Candida albicans and Remove Dust Mite Allergens
Document Type
檢驗及品保雜誌 / Journal of Testing and Quality Assurance. Vol. 11 Issue 4, p132-137. 6 p.
Lysol Laundry Sanitizer-Crisp Linen Scent
Candida albicans
dust mite allergens
Inhalation allergy has many types of allergens exist, including dust mites and microorganisms, especially fungi. In this study, we evaluated the fungicidal activity of 'Lysol Laundry Sanitizer - Crisp Linen Scent' (hereafter referred to as the test substance) provided by Mano Business Development Taiwan Ltd. against Candida albicans. The evaluation was conducted in accordance with 'the standard guide for assessment of antimicrobial activity using a time-kill procedure' of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E2315. In the test, 0.1 mL C. albicans suspension was added to 10 mL of the test substance (final C. albicans concentration was approximately 10^6 CFU/mL) and incubated for 1 hour, followed by determining the number (CFU) of survived C. albicans. Compared with untreated control, we found that the test substance killed 99.99% of C. albicans cells. We also tested mite removal activity of the test substance by adding 1,000 mites on a wool fabric previous soaked with test substance (test group) or saline (control group). This test was repeated 15 times, and the dust mite allergens remained on treated and untreated fabrics were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at 7 and 14 days. Results showed that dust mite allergen concentration on the fabric was reduced by 88.95% after 7 days and by 87.32% after 14 days of treatment. In conclusion, the test substance can effectively kill C. albicans and remove dust mite allergens.

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