
臺灣黑毛肉豬體型測量值與屠體性狀間之典型相關分析 / Canonical Correlation Analysis of Body Conformation and Carcass Traits in Taiwan Black Pigs
Document Type
台灣農學會報 / Journal of the Agricultural Association of Taiwan. Vol. 13 Issue 3, p318-335. 2 p.
Taiwan black pigs (TBP) are considered as a special pig population with local characteristics. The high diversity in body conformation and carcass traits of commercial TBP makes the quality of meat production difficult to predict and control. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlations between body conformation and carcass traits of TBP. Body conformation and carcass traits collected from 500 pigs in five different private farms were analyzed by Pearson correlation and canonical correlation analyses. The results showed that the slaughter weights and body conformations of TBP from different farms were significantly different (P<0.01) and only 22.2% of tested TBP could be classified as ideal type pigs. According to Pearson correlation analysis, body length and chest circumference were positively correlated with carcass weight (P<0.01), while chest depth and chest circumference were positively correlated with carcass backfat thickness at the last lumbar (P<0.01). On the other hand, the results of canonical correlation analysis showed that body height and chest circumference were also positively correlated with carcass weight. In addition, the carcass backfat thickness at the last rib was significantly related to body height, chest depth and chest circumference. In conclusion, body height, chest depth and chest circumference could be considered as important parameters for prediction of carcass quality and for designing breeding schemes. The preliminary results of this study could help breeders to select breeding stocks. In order to improve the accuracy of correlation analyses, more carcass traits and meat quality data should be involved in future studies.

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