
Использование письменных исторических источников в трудах Николая Ивановича Петрова по истории образования (вторая половина XIX – начало ХХ в.) / The Use of Written Historical Sources in the Works of Nikolai Ivanovich Petrov on the History of Education (second half of the XIX - early XX century)
Document Type
Traektoriâ nauki / Path of Science. Vol. 4 Issue 5, p3009-3019. 11 p.
Н. И. Петров
исторический источник
внутренняя и внешняя критика источников
история образования
N. I. Petrov
historical source
internal and external criticism of sources
history of education
The article is devoted to the scientific activity of the famous Russian and Ukrainian historian, linguist, teacher, archaeographer, archaeologist, professor of the Kiev Theological Academy Nikolai Ivanovich Petrov (1840-1921). A certain part of the scientific works of the scientist is devoted to the history of education, in particular to the history of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy (XVII - early XIX centuries). The purpose of the article is to analyze the technique of studying and processing historical sources, which N. I. Petrov used in his works on the history of education. As a result of the study, it was established that N. I. Petrov, during his long experience as a historian-researcher, developed certain principles and views on sources of knowledge. First of all, he defended the need to use the completeness of sources in the study of certain problems and preferred previously unknown documents. It is shown that the scientist actively used external and internal criticism of written sources. The main tasks of the first, implemented by N. I. Petrov in his works (including the history of education) were: the location of a written monument, the archeographic and historiographical fate of documents, the time and place of their writing, the establishment of the authorship of sources, the sources typology, the characteristics of their representativeness. It is proved that the internal criticism of written sources, to which the scientist resorted, consisted, first of all, in establishing the reliability of the information given in them and demonstrating the genesis of the content components of the document. It is noted that in some cases, N. I. Petrov built internal criticism of a certain source on the basis of a psychological and individualizing interpretation.

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