
運用特定固定法降低兒科病房非預期性靜脈留置針之重新注射率 / Improvement Program to Reduce the Unintentional Reinjection Rate of Intravenous Indwelling Needle in a Pediatric Ward
Document Type
秀傳醫學雜誌 / Show Chwan Medical Journal. Vol. 22 Issue 1, p55-66. 12 p.
Unplanned intravenous re-injection
Intravenous cannulation
Pediatric patients
Repeated injections resulted from blockage or leaking of intravenous catheter will increase the discomfort of the child. The purpose of this study is to reduce the unintentional reinjection rate of intravenous indwelling needles. According to the analysis of the current situation in our unit, the reinjection rate in 2017 was as high as 17.9%. The identified causes including insufficient awareness of intravenous injection, lack of standard technical specifications for intravenous indwelling needles, no selection criteria for fixation plates, no standard fixation for intravenous injection, no audit system, lack of guidance tools for intravenous indwelling needles, and lack of multi- specification fixation plates. The peer hospital's pediatric ward intravenous re-injection rate reduced from 3.44% to 0.88%. The target value of this unit's project was based on the current situation -(current situation × improvement focus × circle capacity) = 17.9% - (17.9% × 80% × 80%) = 6.4% or less. Formulated improvement strategies were: planning education training courses and holding workshop for intravenous indwelling needle skills, updating the standard technical specifications of pediatric intravenous indwelling needles and updating the swelling severity range grading table of intravenous indwelling needles, updating the selection criteria for fixation plates, and adding a standard flow chart for pediatric intravenous indwelling needles(for example, the length is pasted to the fixed plate with a floating pasting method, do not press down.), formulation of an auditing system, production of health education leaflets for intravenous indwelling needles, and production of multi-specification fixation plates. The results showed the reinjection rate dropped to 5.4%, indicating improved safety of intravenous catheters for pediatric patients. It is recommended in future study activities of the society or association, experience exchange courses should be given to improve the medical care goals of intravenous line safety.

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