
從數位科技藝術探討軍事文宣之運用-以國共戰史為例 / A Study on the Applications of Military Promotional Materials from the Perspective of Digital Art: A Case of the Chinese Civil War
Document Type
復興崗學報 / Fu Hsing Kang Academic Journal. Issue 121, p181-208. 28 p.
the Chinese Civil War program
history of war
digital art
military promotional materials
This study focused on the 'Chinese Civil War' program produced by Juguang Garden with the content covering the Battle of Guningtou in 1949, the Battle of Dadan Island in 1950, and the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1958. The literature review discussed the expressions of digital art in the military promotional materials from three aspects: fine arts, music, and drama. Various historical materials were widely collected, categorized, cross-compared, and then analyzed, to explore how digital art can be applied to the promotional materials, to re-produce the content with timelines, events, and people using techniques such as dictation, painting, music, and digital editing, and to create innovative programs with great promotional impact that can keep pace with the times. The discussion centered on 'the forms of digital art for war topics,' 'the benefits of digital art to reproducing the history of war and its development,' and “the significance of the applications of digital art in the era.' The applications of military promotional materials have change in response to the advancement of technology of the times. The traditional essence and meaning of the three major fields of art (i.e., fine art, music, and drama) can be passed on and innovated through convenient modern tools and stimulate people’s body senses such as sight, hearing, and even touch. Moreover, they can facilitate positive recognition of different aspects including national defense and security, military implication, and meaning of war history.

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