
利用近室壓X光光電子能譜探究鋅鈀和鋅鈀銅奈米顆粒催化二氧化碳氫化反應 / Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy study of carbon dioxide hydrogenation on PdZn and PdCuZn (3:1:4) nanoparticles
Document Type
真空科技 / Journal of the Vacuum Society of the R.O.C.. Vol. 34 Issue 4, p27-37. 11 p.
Ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Bimetallic and trimetallic nanoparticles
Carbon dioxide hydrogenation
Converting carbon dioxide into low chemical molecules to reduce the amount of CO_2 in the earth is one of the emerging research topics recently. PdZn and PdCuZn nanoparticles have been reported as potential catalysts for CO_2 hydrogenation under ambient pressure. In this report, the PdZn and PdCuZn (3:1:4) nanoparticles were prepared by using the impregnation method, and the particles size、crystallinity, and catalytic property were characterized by X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD)、transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and gas chromatography (GC), respectively. In addition, the surface chemical environment evolution of PdZn and PdCuZn (3:1:4) nanoparticles and the formation of the products during the carbon dioxide hydrogenation were studied by using ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS). According to experimental results, the PdZn and PdCuZn (3:1:4) particle sizes are 10-15 nm and 10- 25 nm, respectively, and have a higher carbon monoxide production rate on PdZn nanoparticles compared to PdCuZn (3:1:4) nanoparticles. The Pd 3d spectra showed the PdO and PdZn on the PdZn nanoparticles, and the most formate was observed on the PdCuZn (3:1:4) nanoparticles from Cls spectra during the carbon dioxide hydrogenation from in-situ APXPS studies. We proposed that the metallic Pd was oxidized to be PdO on the surface of the PdZn nanoparticles, and the formation of methane via formate pathway could be the significant reason for different production ratios on PdZn and PdCuZn (3:1:4) nanoparticles.

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