
應用智慧水錶改善配水管網加壓系統能耗之可行性研究 / A Feasibility Study on Improving Energy Efficiency of Water Supply Pumping System through the Application of Smart Water Meters.
Document Type
中原大學環境工程研究所學位論文. p1-90. 90 p.
net zero emissions
carbon fee
carbon emission factor
carbon trading
Based on Taiwan's 'Taiwan 2050 Net-Zero Emissions Pathway' announced in March 2022, while other countries are gradually implementing comprehensive carbon pricing mechanisms, Taiwan is still in the development stage. However, due to Taiwan's relatively slow progress in this area, it allows industries more time to make adjustments and improvements. In order to achieve carbon reduction goals, energy conservation is essential, and one crucial aspect is reducing the energy consumption during water supply, as supplying water for daily living results in significant energy consumption. This study focuses on reducing the energy consumption of the water supply pumping station by applying the Affinity Law. The main research process involves organizing and consolidating recorded water output data within the water supply area, observing and analyzing the peak water output periods and their causes. By installing a water tower level control system, the study aims to integrate the water volume information from the water output end and the water supply end. This allows for the dispersion of peak water output at the water supply end, thereby achieving energy conservation. After obtaining the energy conservation ratio, it can be quantified into a measurable value using carbon emission coefficients. Furthermore, the economic value can be calculated, which is expected to contribute to the future carbon trading market.

Online Access