
優秀空手道男子選手石政中技戰術分析 / Technical and Tactical Analysis of Outstanding Karate Player Shi Zhengzhong
Document Type
興大體育學刊. Issue 23, p131-146. 16 p.
Simi Scout
Performance analysis
Attacking scoring
Observational Method
Martial arts
Objective: The SIMI® Scout analysis system was employed to analyze the attack patterns, actions, and effectiveness of each attack by the outstanding Taiwanese male player Shih Zhengzhong. The system recorded the frequency and usage rates of these attacks. Methods: We collected domestic and international competition videos to feature the player. The SIMI software was used to analyze three groups in different score gaps on attacking modes, specific actions, and effectiveness of each action. Results: Results exhibited the highest usage rate of the active attack mode. Kilzami Tsuki and Ash-barai were the primary attack actions. Active Kilzami Tsuki was effective in scoring, while delayed Kilzami Tsuki or sudden Kilzami Tsuki often resulted in point loss. Similarly, delayed or unexpected Ash-barai and active Ash-barai could score points. However, executing Sweep Kick without combining other attacks left Shih vulnerable to counterattacks, resulting in point losses. Notably, Gyaku Tsuki and Double Gyaku Tsuki were infrequently used by Shih nationally, and when attempted in international events, opponents frequently capitalized on these actions, resulting in point losses. The majority of Shih's Jodan Mawashi Geri were feints. His kicks lacked strength, making him susceptible to point losses when facing closed opponents. Conclusion: The analysis revealed that Shih's active Kilzami Tsuki and delayed or sudden Ash-barai formed a potent combination for scoring. Whether leading or trailing, Shih maintained a steady pace with minimal rhythm changes. At close range, he was prone to being lured into shots by opponents or failing to react promptly, resulting in point losses.

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