
運用網路應用編程介面整合各放射治療儀並連結醫院資訊系統 / IntegratIon of records and verIfy system between vendors and web applIcatIon programmIng Interface set-up: an approach to brIdgIng radIatIon oncology and hospItal InformatIon system
Document Type
放射治療與腫瘤學 / Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. Vol. 22 Issue 4, p307-314. 8 p.
Electronic medical records
Radiation oncology information system
Records and verify systems
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a web application programming interface to integrate records and verify systems of various vendors and help bridging hospital information system and electronic radiotherapy medical record. Materials and Methods: The structure and fields of three commercial records and verify systems were identified and studied. A web application programming interface was implemented to perform the following three tasks: 1. Pre-defined fields were queried from each database using PHP and standard SQL language, 2. The retrieved data were rearranged and consolidated to fulfill clinical needs, 3. The patients' treatment histories were summarized and exported to hospital information system via JSON format. The performance of the web API, commercial applications, and with manual transfer of paper charts were measured by analysis of query time for twenty patients. Results: The system has been transparently incorporated into our radiation treatment planning workflow. The website-based database interface has allowed authorized users with minimal training to extract patient's daily treatment from the database anytime and anywhere in the hospital. The query time significantly decreased using this system. Conclusions : The web application programming interface can integrate patient's treatment data from different commercial treatment machines and export to hospital information system. The application breakthrough the vendor's limitation, and is helpful in developing radiotherapy electronic medical records. Acknowledgement : This study was supported in part by the grant of Center of Excellence for Cancer Research, No. MOHW104-TDU-B-211-124-001.

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