
照顧一位全肺切除術後合併脊髓梗塞中年婦女病人之加護經驗 / The Nursing Experience of Intensive Care for a Women Patient Suffering Spinal Cord Infarction after Receiving Pneumonectomy Surgery
Document Type
馬偕護理雜誌 / Journal of MacKay Nursing. Vol. 10 Issue 2, p73-88. 16 p.
spinal cord infarction
This article described a nursing experience for caring right pneumonectomy patient who suffered spinal cord infarction leading to paralysis all over lower body. This patient was a 44 year- old women and needed to face this huge change crushing her a lot. The period of nursing care started from October 18 to October 24, 2014. The Gordon Functional Health Assessment guide was used to identify the health problem. And the data collection was done by observation, conversation, physical assessment and clinical care to this patient. The health problem included: 1. gas exchange impaired, 2. physical mobility impaired, 3. anxiety, 4. ineffective individual coping. Pulmonary rehabilitation was necessary in this phase by using inductive Incentive Spirometer and electronic products which increased the fun and enhanced compliance, in order to increase her breathing capacity. Some physical exercises were engaged in this rehabilitation, such as changing position of bed rest and placing heavy water bag on her abdominal enhancing the strength of abdominal muscles for breathing. Her family members were encouraged to participate in her daily actives, and learned the skills of passive joint movement, massage and other techniques. Health care team provided information for them on disease, caring details, emotion expressing, soft music, and religious and spiritual sustenance for reducing stress and anxiety of patient. Introducing support groups related to this disease to her and her families to shares some experiences and helps them get through this difficulty. This can enhance them to have the capability of coping and problem solving.

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