
以幻自見:《玄怪錄》的幻設敘事研究 / Self-showing With Imaginary: The Imaginary-narrative Research of Xuanguai Lu
Document Type
子衿論衡 中正文哲研究集刊 / Zijin Forum Chung Cheng Journal of Chinese Literature and Philosophy. Issue 2, p131-173. 43 p.
Niu SengRu
Xuanguai Lu
Literati group
Niu SengRu's (牛僧孺780-848) Xuanguai Lu (玄怪錄) is a representative literary work of Tang story collection and seems to play an important role in the history of Tang literature. Niu SengRu was also elected as one of the representatives of the author of the Tang Dynasty tales who have self-awareness of creative consciousness. Most of the texts in the Xuanguai Lu show his writing characteristics 'Want to express his fictional fantasy, so deliberately reveal his fictional traces.' (欲以搆想之幻自見,因故示其詭設之跡). However, in the Tang fiction history, the meaning of the Imaginary-narrative skills created by Niu SengRu needs to be further explored. In this paper, compare Xuanguai Lu with other story collection and biji (筆記) in the same writing style during Tang Dynasty. Moreover, we could get insight into its literary concepts by exploring the difference between creative mentality and writing skills of the Tang dynasty writers. After the study, in Xuanguai Lu, Niu SengRu creates the sense of fantasy of text by describing the minutiae of stories and major characters' dialog. Likewise, whether it is time, space and even the character settings in works of imaginary-narrative fully demonstrated Niu SengRu's complex fictional creative ideas and worth pondering ideology. Through the meaning of the 'self-showing with imaginary' (以幻自見), we can have a more meticulous understanding on the chuanqi (傳奇) (Tang tales), xiaoshuo (小說) (fiction) and even biji (筆記) (the records of the lesser sayings). The thesis provides a step forward to deeper level of understanding of the meaning of creative of the authors of Tang Dynasty when we clarify the relationship between inheritance and transformation between texts.

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