
建構具專家及老人團體共識之台灣高齡友善城市指標 / Development of indicators of the ageing-friendly city for Taiwan through a consensus of experts and the elderly
Document Type
台灣公共衛生雜誌 / Taiwan Journal of Public Health. Vol. 39 Issue 1, p41-51. 11 p.
age-friendly cities
environmental monitoring
Objectives: To develop indicators of the ageing-friendly city for Taiwan. Methods: We adopted the global indicators of the ageing-friendly city from the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop indicators for Taiwan. The first phase of our work involved creating a pool of candidate indicators and then reducing the number of indicators. Second, we evaluated the feasibility of the indicators from technical and practical aspects. We adopted suggestions and comments from practice staff members and experts to develop our final version. Results: In the first phase, the pool of candidate indicators was reduced from 75 to 38. In the second phase, we carried out a survey to assess the feasibility of indicators by involving 64 experts and representatives of elderly groups. The response rate was 73.4%. After quantitative analysis, 15 indicators had overall, technical, and practical criteria scores which ranked in the top 50%. Three indicators ranked in the top 50% of their domains, and another 10 international indicators were kept in this run. After a series of discussions, we finally obtained 28 indicators of the ageing-friendly city for Taiwan, including 23 international and 5 local indicators. Conclusions: A consensus of indicators of the ageing-friendly city for Taiwan was produced and guided by the procedures proposed by the WHO. Regularly reporting those indicators would be useful for the monitoring and improvement of age-friendliness among cities and counties.