
不同誘引質材對東方果實蠅(雙翅目:果實蠅科)引誘效果之比較 / Comparison of the effectiveness of different materials for attracting the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Document Type
植物保護學會會刊. Vol. 45 Issue 2, p117-126. 10 p.
Bactrocera dorsalis
methyl eugenol
protein hydrolysate
yellow sticky board
Although the use of poisoned methyl eugenol fiber blocks does decrease the percentage of damaged fruits and the percentage of eggs hatched of the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), the overall control effectiveness is not significant, and it is necessary to combine this method with other materials. When we used nonpoisonous methyl eugenol blocks in a Victor fly trap, more males were caught than with the open-poisoned methyl eugenol block, and it produced better and longer annihilation efficiencies. Compared with the Kaohsiung and Monitoring type traps, only the Victor trap can use nonpoisonous methyl eugenol, and it catches more males. Poisoned protein hydrolysate bait in the improved McPhail trap in guava orchards caught only about 18.1% and 19.5% of females and males, respectively, of the Oriental fruit fly which were captured using the guava-sticky-bag. Using only the yellow or light gray-green sticky board did not effectively attract male and female flies so we had to add some fruit bait to it. When we did that, we obtained 3.3- and 2.3-fold greater yields of female and male flies, respectively, in a wax apple orchard. By comparing different materials, we found that the Victor trap was the most-effective trap for trapping male flies, while the guava-sticky-bag was best for trapping female flies.

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