
Atlas intracardialer Druckkurven (Atlas of Intracardiac Pressure Curves; Atlas de Curvas Tensionales Intracardiacas).
Document Type
Archives of Internal Medicine; August 1959, Vol. 104 Issue: 2 p340-341, 2p
00039926; 15383679
This book is unique, in a way, because it presents its topic in the German, English, and Spanish languages. Dr. Cournand, who wrote an introduction to the book, is of the opinion that medical students, practitioners, specialists in cardiology and even physiologists will be pleased to find in it a host of information regarding intracardiac pressures. Cardiac catheterization is a generally accepted and rather young diagnostic tool and is practiced in many hospitals throughout the world. A presentation of the characteristics of different pressures organized in a book form is, therefore, rather overdue.Following an introduction, a description of the technique and the apparatus and some theoretical considerations concerning pressure transmission through a fluid column in a semirigid cardiac catheter and normal pressure curves from the ventricular chambers, the arteries, and the venous chambers are presented. Simultaneous electrocardiograms and phonocardiograms were taken with the pressure curves. The pressure curves are