
Localization of exercise-induced myocardial ischemia with single view and biplanar radionuclide ventriculography: validation in single vessel coronary disease
Document Type
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging; August 1985, Vol. 11 Issue: 2-3 p51-57, 7p
16197070; 16197089
The ability of single view and biplanar radionuclide ventriculography (RVG) to determine the location of myocardial ischemia during maximal graded supine bicycle exercise was assessed in 50 patients with chest pain, no prior myocardial infarction, and a single coronary stenosis of =50% luminal diameter narrowing at coronary angiography. A biplane collimator was used so that both right anterior oblique (RAO) gated first-pass and left anterior oblique (LAO) equilibrium RVG could be performed at rest and exercise. Results were compared with those obtained using 4-view 201Tl myocardial scintigraphy in the same patients. Regional wall motion abnormalities (WMA) and 201Tl perfusion defects were detected and assigned to individual coronary vessels by agreement between at least two of three independent observers, who read all studies blinded along with those from control subjects with chest pain but no angiographically significant coronary artery disease. When scintigraphic abnormalities were detected, both biplanar RVG (36/39=92%) and 201Tl (25/25=100%) were more frequently correct in predicting the stenosed vessel than single view LAO RVG (24/32=75%) (P<0.05). At RVG only inferior WMA, in the RAO view, predicted right coronary stenosis. Only posterolateral WMA, in the LAO view, predicted left circumflex stenosis. Thus biplanar, but not single view, LAO exercise RVG is a reasonable alternative to exercise 201Tl for localizing exercise-induced ischemic abnormalities to individual coronary stenoses.