
Möbius sequence, Robin complex, and hypotonia: Severe expression of brainstem disruption spectrum versus Carey–Fineman–Ziter syndrome
Document Type
American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A; 15 June 2004, Vol. 127 Issue: 3 p277-287, 11p
15524825; 15524833
We report on nine unrelated children fitting a diagnosis of Carey–Fineman–Ziter syndrome (CFZS). All children presented with Möbius sequence, Pierre Robin complex (6/9) or micrognathia, and hypotonia. Some had primary hypoventilation, delayed development, and acral anomalies. The neuropathological investigations performed in two patients showed a combination of dysplastic lesions (neuronal heterotopias) and encephaloclastic changes consisting of small foci of necrosis with microcalcifications. The mother of a third child had severe trauma during her 2nd month of pregnancy. Based on a review of the literature on MS and CFZS, we suggest designating as “Robin–Möbius phenotype” a distinct clinical variant of MS with extensive brainstem involvement, Robin complex, hypotonia without specific muscle disorder, clubfeet and variable acral anomalies. This condition appears to bear a higher risk of mental handicap and perhaps a higher recurrence risk than “common” MS. Neuropathology and neuroimaging are suggestive, at least in some cases, of a vascular disruption, which could be exogenous, or secondary to a genetic predisposition. Etiologic heterogeneity seems likely and, in that respect, the original CFZS family could represent a private syndrome fitting on the “Robin–Möbius” spectrum. Despite the existence of two familial reports, recurrence risk is probably much lower than 25%, although exact figures cannot be extracted from the available literature. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.