
Club 35 Poster session 2: Thursday 4 December 2014, 08:30-18:00 * Location: Poster area
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Santos, MRivero, JMccullough, SDOpotowsky, ARWaxman, ABSystrom, DShah, AMOlsen, F JJorgensen, PGMogelvang, RJensen, JSFritz-Hansen, TBech, JSivertsen, JBiering-Sorensen, TSantoro, CEsposito, RSchiano Lomoriello, VRaia, RDe Palma, DIppolito, RIerano, PArpino, GDe Simone, GGalderisi, MCameli, MLisi, MDi Tommaso, CSolari, MFocardi, MMaccherini, MHenein, MGalderisi, MMondillo, SSimova, IKatova, TGalderisi, MPauncheva, BVrettos, ADawson, DGrigoratos, CPapapolychroniou, CNihoyannopoulos, PDanylenko, OKovalenko, VNesukay, EPolenova, NTitov, IVoilliot, DHuttin, OHVaugrenard, TVVenner, CVSadoul, NSAliot, EAJuilliere, YJSelton-Suty, CSSHamdi, IMahfoudhi, HBen Mansour, NDahmani, RLahidheb, DFehri, WHaouala, HErken Pamukcu, HGerede, DMSorgun, MAkbostanci, CTurhan, SErol, ûVoilliot, DMagne, JMDulgheru, RDKou, SKHenri, CHCaballero, LCDe Sousa, CDSSprynger, MSPierard, LPLancellotti, PLPanelo, M LRodriguez-Fernandez, AEscriba-Bori, SKrol, WKonopka, MBurkhard, KJedrzejewska, IPokrywka, AKlusiewicz, AChwalbinska, JDluzniewski, MBraksator, WElmissiri, AMEid, MSayed, IAwadalla, HSchiano-Lomoriello, VEsposito, RSantoro, CLo Iudice, FDe Simone, GGalderisi, MIbrahimi, PJashari, FJohansson, EGronlund, CBajraktari, GWester, PHenein, MYPotluri, RAziz, AHooper, JMummadi, SMUppal, HAsghar, OChandran, SSurkova, E ATereshina, O VShchukin, U VRubanenko, A OMedvedeva, E AHamdi, IMahfoudhi, HBen Mansour, NDahmani, RLahidheb, DFehri, WHaouala, HKrapf, LNguyen, VCimadevilla, CHimbert, DBrochet, EIung, BVahanian, AMessika-Zeitoun, DDanylenko, OKovalenko, VNesukay, ETitov, IPolenova, NVan De Heyning, C MMagne, JPierard, LABruyere, PJDavin, LDe Maeyer, CPaelinck, BPVrints, CJLancellotti, PBertrand, PBGroenendaels, YVertessen, VJMullens, WPettinari, MGutermann, HDion, RAVerhaert, DVandervoort, PMGuven, SSen, TTufekcioglu, OGucuk, EUygur, BKahraman, EValuckiene, ZJurkevicius, RPranevicius, RMarcinkeviciene, JZaliaduonyte-Peksiene, DStoskute, NZaliunas, R
European Journal of Echocardiography; December 2014, Vol. 15 Issue: Supplement 2 pii68-ii68, 1p
15252167; 15322114
Introduction: Among patients with unexplained dyspnea, left ventricular (LV) filling pressures (LVFP) is commonly estimated non-invasively by the E/e' ratio using Doppler echocardiography. However the accuracy of E/e' is controversial. We evaluated the correlation of E/e' ratio with invasively measured LVFP and of change in E/e' (ΔE/e') with change in LVFP. Methods: Supine and upright transthoracic echocardiography was performed in patients with unexplained dyspnea undergoing right heart catheterization. Patients with significant valvular disease and reduced LV ejection fraction (LVEF < 50%) were excluded. Pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) was used as the invasive indicator of LVFP. The mean of septal and lateral e' velocities was used for the calculation of E/e' ratio. Results: We studied 98 subjects with a mean age of 52 ± 20 years (69% of female gender). The supine E/e' and PAWP were 9.2 ± 3.2 and 12.1 ± 4.9 mmHg (range: 4-27 mmHg) respectively and were modestly correlated (r=0.38; p<0.001). With position change (supine to upright), ΔPAWP was -5.1 ± 4.3 mmHg and ΔE/e' was 0.17 ± 2.6, with no significant association between these two measures (r=0.003; p=0.98). Both E-wave (80 ± 22 to 65 ± 22 cm/s) and mean average e' (10.2 ± 3.6 to 7.3 ± 2.0 cm/s) decreased with the upright position. The ΔPAWP was correlated with ΔE-wave velocity (r=0.33; p=0.01), but not with Δe' (r=0.14; p=0.26). Conclusions: In patients with unexplained dyspnea and a preserved LVEF, E/e' is modestly, though significantly, correlated with PAWP. ΔE/e' is not correlated with ΔPAWP, partially related to the preload sensitivity of e'. Figure Figure 1 - Supine and delta E/e' plotted

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