
Measurement of the τ lifetime
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Acton, P. D.Alexander, G.Allison, J.Allport, P. P.Anderson, K. J.Arcelli, S.Astbury, A.Axen, D.Azuelos, G.Bahan, G. A.Baines, J. T. M.Ball, A. H.Banks, J.Barlow, R. J.Barnett, S.Batley, J. R.Beaudoin, G.Beck, A.Becker, J.Behnke, T.Bell, K. W.Bella, G.Bentkowski, P.Berlich, P.Bethke, S.Biebel, O.Binder, U.Bloodworth, I. J.Bock, P.Boden, B.Bosch, H. M.Breuker, H.Brieght-Thomas, P.Brown, R. M.Buijs, A.Burckhart, H. J.Burgard, C.Capiluppi, P.Carnegie, R. K.Carter, A. A.Carter, J. R.Chang, C. Y.Charlton, D. G.Chu, S. L.Clarke, P. E. L.Cohen, I.Clayton, J. C.Collins, W. J.Conboy, J. E.Cooper, M.Coupland, M.Cuffiani, M.Dado, S.Dallavalle, G. M.De Jong, S.del Pozo, L. A.Deng, H.Dieckmann, A.Dittmar, M.Dixit, M. S.do Couto e Silva, E.Duboscq, J. E.Duchovni, E.Duckeck, G.Duerdoth, I. P.Dumas, D. J. P.Elcombe, P. A.Estabrooks, P. G.Etzion, E.Evans, H. G.Fabbri, F.Fierro, M.Fincke-Keeler, M.Fischer, H. M.Fong, D. G.Foucher, M.Gaidot, A.Ganel, O.Gary, J. W.Gascon, J.McGowan, R. F.Geddes, N. I.Geich-Gimbel, C.Gensler, S. W.Gentit, F. X.Giacomelli, G.Giacomelli, R.Gibson, V.Gibson, W. R.Gillies, J. D.Goldberg, J.Goodrick, M. J.Gorn, W.Grandi, C.Grant, F. C.Hagemann, J.Hanson, G. G.Hansroul, M.Hargrove, C. K.Harrison, P. F.Hart, J.Hattersley, P. M.Hauschild, M.Hawkes, C. M.Heflin, E.Hemingway, R. J.Heuer, R. D.Hill, J. C.Hillier, S. J.Hilse, T.Hinshaw, D. A.Hobbs, J. D.Hobson, P. R.Hochman, D.Homer, R. J.Honma, A. K.Hughes-Jones, R. E.Humbert, R.Igo-Kemenes, P.Ihssen, H.Imrie, D. C.Janissen, A. C.Jawahery, A.Jeffreys, P. W.Jeremie, H.Jimack, M.Jobes, M.Jones, R. W. L.Jovanovic, P.Jui, C.Karlen, D.Kawagoe, K.Kawamoto, T.Keeler, R. K.Kellogg, R. G.Kennedy, B. W.Kluth, S.Kobayashi, T.Koetke, D. S.Kokott, T. P.Komamiya, S.Köpke, L.Kral, J. F.Kowalewski, R.von Krogh, J.Kroll, J.Kuwano, M.Kyberd, P.Lafferty, G. D.Lahmann, R.Lamarche, F.Layter, J. G.Leblanc, P.Lee, A. M.Lehto, M. H.Lellouch, D.Leroy, C.Letts, J.Levegrün, S.Levinson, L.Lloyd, S. L.Loebinger, F. K.Lorah, J. M.Lorazo, B.Losty, M. J.Lou, X. C.Ludwig, J.Mannelli, M.Marcellini, S.Maringer, G.Markus, C.Martin, A. J.Martin, J. P.Mashimo, T.Mättig, P.Maur, U.McKenna, J.McMahon, T. J.McNutt, J. R.Meijers, F.Menszner, D.Merritt, F. S.Mes, H.Michelini, A.Middleton, R. P.Mikenberg, G.Mildenberger, J.Miller, D. J.Mir, R.Mohr, W.Moisan, C.Montanari, A.Mori, T.Morii, M.Mouthuy, T.Nellen, B.Nguyen, H. H.Nozaki, M.O'Neale, S. W.Oakham, F. G.Odorici, F.Ogren, H. O.Oram, C. J.Oreglia, M. J.Orito, S.Pansart, J. P.Panzer-Steindel, B.Paschievici, P.Patrick, G. N.Paz-Jaoshvili, N.Pfister, P.Pilcher, J. E.Pinfold, J.Pitman, D.Plane, D. E.Poffenberger, P.Poli, B.Pouladdej, A.Pritchard, T. W.Przysiezniak, H.Quast, G.Redmond, M. W.Rees, D. L.Richards, G. E.Robinson, D.Rollnik, A.Roney, J. M.Ros, E.Rossberg, S.Rossi, A. M.Rosvick, M.Routenburg, P.Runge, K.Runolfsson, O.Rust, D. R.Sasaki, M.Sbarra, C.Schaile, A. D.Schaile, O.Schappert, W.Scharff-Hansen, P.Schenk, P.Schmitt, B.von der Schmitt, H.Schreiber, S.Schwick, C.Schwiening, J.Scott, W. G.Settles, M.Shears, T. G.Shen, B. C.Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.Sherwood, P.Shypit, R.Simon, A.Singh, P.Siroli, G. P.Skuja, A.Smith, A. M.Smith, T. J.Snow, G. A.Sobie, R.Springer, R. W.Sproston, M.Stephens, K.Steuerer, J.Ströhmer, R.Strom, D.Takeshita, T.Taras, P.Tarem, S.Tecchio, M.Teixeira-Dias, P.Tesch, N.Thackray, N. J.Thomson, M. A.Torrente-Lujan, E.Transtromer, G.Tresilian, N. J.Tsukamoto, T.Turner, M. F.Tysarczyk-Niemeyer, G.Van den plas, D.Van Kooten, R.Van Dalen, G. J.Vasseur, G.Virtue, C. J.Wagner, A.Wagner, D. L.Wahl, C.Walker, J. P.Ward, C. P.Ward, D. R.Watkins, P. M.Watson, A. T.Watson, N. K.Weber, M.Weber, P.Wells, P. S.Wermes, N.Whalley, M. A.Wilson, G. W.Wilson, J. A.Winterer, V. -H.Wlodek, T.Wotton, S.Wyatt, T. R.Yaari, R.Yeaman, A.Yekutieli, G.Yurko, M.Zeuner, W.Zorn, G. T.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields; June 1993, Vol. 59 Issue: 2 p183-194, 12p
01709739; 14315858
The t lifetime has been measured with the OPAL detector at LEP, from analyses using the impact parameters in decays to single charged tracks, and the decay lengths from t decays to three charged tracks. The 1991 sample of approximately 12300 t-pair events, of which 70% contain silicon microvertex detector information, has been combined with a re-analysis of the 5100 events recorded during 1990. The two statistically-independent determinations give: $$\begin{gathered} \tau (one - prong) = 296.4 \pm 7.1 (stat) \pm 3.8 (sys) fs, \hfill \\ \tau (three - prong) = 286.3 \pm 7.4 (stat) \pm 5.2 (sys) fs. \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ The weighted average of these results after combination of the uncorrelated systematic errors is: $$\tau _\tau = 291.9 \pm 5.1 (stat) \pm 3.1 (sys) fs.$$ .