
Differential modulation of G1 cyclins and the Cdk inhibitor p27kip1 by platelet-derived growth factor and plasma factors in density-arrested fibroblasts.
Document Type
Journal of Biological Chemistry; May 1996, Vol. 271 Issue: 19 p11253-60, 8p
00219258; 1083351X
Stimulation of quiescent Balb/c 3T3 fibroblasts into S phase requires the synergistic action of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and progression factors found in platelet-poor plasma (PPP). Traverse of the G1/S phase boundary and the initiation of DNA replication require functional cyclin E-cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) 2 and cyclin A-Cdk2 complexes; however, the mechanisms by which PDGF and PPP regulate Cdk2 activation are not known. Density-arrested fibroblasts contain low levels of cyclins E and A, and high levels of the Cdk inhibitor p27kip1. Exposure of PDGF, which stimulates cell cycle entry but not progression through G1, induces the formation of cyclin D1-Cdk4 complexes that bind p27kip1 and titrate the pool of Kip1 available to inhibit Cdk2. In addition, PDGF stimulates a moderate transient reduction in the abundance of p27kip1 protein. However, limited expression of cyclin E and cyclin A is observed after PDGF treatment, and in the absence of PPP, p27 levels are sufficient to bind and inactivate existing cyclin-Cdk complexes. Although plasma does not significantly increase the proportion of Kip1 bound to cyclin D1-Cdk4, stimulation of PDGF-treated cells with plasma does overcome the threshold inhibition of p27kip1 by further increasing the expression of cyclins E and A and decreasing the amount of Kip1 over a prolonged time period. Our results indicate that the distinct mitogenic activities of PDGF and PPP differentially influence the activation of cyclin E- and cyclin A-associated kinases that ultimately regulate entry into S phase.