
Optimizing the Thermal Physiological Comfort by Introducing Peltier Cells in Simulated Conditions
Document Type
Applied Mechanics and Materials; August 2013, Vol. 371 Issue: 1 p792-796, 5p
16609336; 16627482
The paper aims to approach in an original manner both the research method and the solution to the problem related to thermal physiological comfort by introducing the Peltier cells in the structure of the clothing product. The special clothing piece studied for tests during wearing is a protective clothing for firefighters; between its layers were introduced temperature and humidity transducers. The electric scheme and the transducers connection scheme, as well as the Peltier cells connection and power scheme were made. The data registration and the graphics were made using the PC-Lab 2000SE software. The experiment included three distinct phases: a rest period of 10 min, physical effort for 20 min which simulates the effort made during an activity specific for firefighters and 10 minutes of rest after this exercise. The temperature and humidity charts were recorded and analyzed for each stage, if the garment is unequipped and then equipped with Peltier cells. If, in the case of physical effort, significant temperature variations in the underclothing environment were noticed, by introducing the Peltier cells, an optimization of the thermal physiological comfort was performed, with implications on the wearers health.