
Permanent blood pressure control over the 24 h by trandolapril.
Document Type
American Journal of Hypertension; October 1995, Vol. 8 Issue: 10 p71S-74S, 4p
08957061; 19417225
Noninvasive ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has proved to be an innovative tool for the assessment of the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs. It enables evaluation of the magnitude of the drug-related blood pressure fall and also of the duration of this effect throughout 24 h. Moreover, ambulatory blood pressures have advantages compared to office blood pressure: they are not affected by the white coat effect occurring at the time of the doctor's visit, are devoid of a placebo effect, are more reproducible than occasional clinic measurements, and may yield important information on the prognosis of hypertensive patients. Ambulatory blood pressure recordings were used to test the antihypertensive effect of a novel angiotensin converting enzyme, trandolapril, in 62 mild to moderate essential hypertensive outpatients. After a 4 week wash-out, period, patients were randomized to 2 mg trandolapril or placebo for 6 weeks. A 4-week wash-out period was scheduled at the end of the treatment period. Ambulatory blood pressure recordings were performed at the end of each period, starting in the morning. Trandolapril (n = 31) significantly reduced 24 h systolic and diastolic blood pressure as compared to pre- and posttreatment periods and to placebo (n = 17). The reduction involved both the daytime and nighttime blood pressure values and was evident also in the last hours of the recording, the trough-to-peak ratio being 0.6 for systolic and 0.7 for diastolic blood pressure. Thus, trandolapril at a dose of 2 mg once daily is an effective long-lasting antihypertensive drug.