
Why Withhold Tobacco?
Document Type
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association; October 1901, Vol. 37 Issue: 14 p924-925, 2p
00987484; 15383598
Toledo, Sept. 25, 1901. TO THE EDITOR: —This question, whether he should be permitted to smoke or not, came up in the treatment of our late President, and possibly has in it a lesson which should be considered on account of the applicability which it may have to the treatment of surgical cases generally. Does the sudden stopping of the habitual use of tobacco make the bodily functions more resistant to the processes of disease, and more efficient in the healing of wounds? Does the nervous system, suffer and lose its balance by withholding its accustomed sedative? Are the secretory system, the excretory system, in fact all of the systems of the body, by the sudden taking from them of the load to which they have learned to adapt themselves, made stronger, or are they left stagnated because the stimulus which has been prompting them to their abnormal action has