
Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology in abdominal tuberculosis.
Document Type
The British Journal of Radiology; July 1998, Vol. 71 Issue: 847 p723-727, 5p
00071285; 1748880X
Although barium studies and CT are useful in assessing abdominal pathology in tuberculosis, imaging findings are not always specific and a histopathological or bacteriological confirmation is often required. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of ultrasound (US) guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis in patients with non-palpable lesions detected on US/CT. FNAC was performed on 31 sites in 30 patients. The sites included enlarged lymph nodes (n = 14), focal lesions in liver (n = 2) and spleen (n = 8), and thickened bowel in the ileocaecal region (n = 7). The results were classified cytomorphologically into four groups: (1) definite evidence of tuberculosis; (2) presumptive evidence of tuberculosis; (3) suggestive of tuberculosis; and (4) negative for tuberculosis. 18 of the 31 FNACs (58%) revealed a positive diagnosis of tuberculosis (definite evidence in nine patients and presumptive evidence in nine patients). 13 of the 31 FNACs (42%) showed either necrosis alone (n = 4) or negative results (n = 9). Zeihl-Neelson staining for acid-fast bacilli on direct smear was positive in only nine patients (29%). Splenic and lymph nodal FNAC had a high sensitivity (87.5% and 78.6%, respectively) in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. None of the bowel and liver FNACs was diagnostic. No complications were encountered. US guided FNAC offers a safe and accurate method of achieving a diagnosis in patients with suspected abdominal tuberculosis who present with radiologically demonstrable but non-palpable lesions, especially those involving lymph nodes and spleen.