
Elimination of disturbances due to changes in air flow in a wind turbine with hydrostatic transmission
Document Type
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering; October 2022, Vol. 1262 Issue: 1 p012079-012079, 1p
17578981; 1757899X
Hydrostatic power transmission between the rotor of a wind turbine and the generator, which can be placed on the ground, is a way to reduce the cost of installing a turbine, reducing the mass placed at height. The article shows the ability of a hydrostatic transmission to cope with a disturbance due to the change in the air flow that drives the turbine rotor. When increasing the air flow, which would normally lead to an increase in the drive speed of the electric generator, by adjusting the geometric volume of the hydraulic pump connected to the wind rotor with a PID regulator, the drive speed of the generator is kept constant. The load of the electric generator is also simulated hydraulically.