
selective mechanism of action of tebufenozide on lepidopteran cell linesthe following are extended summaries based on material from poster presentations at the 9th international congress of pesticide chemistry, organised by the international union of pure and applied chemistry (iupac) and held in london, uk, 2–7 august 1998. they are entirely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of pesticide science.
Document Type
Pesticide Science (now called Pest Management Science); June 1999, Vol. 55 Issue: 6 p654-655, 2p
0031613X; 10969063
The non-steroidal ecdysone agonist, tebufenozide (RH-5992), induces a precocious incomplete molt primarily on lepidopteran insects, but has little or no effect on insects of other orders. 20 Hydroxyecdysone at 10−7M induced the transcription factor CHR3 mRNA in CF-203 cells and DHR3 mRNA in DM-2 cells. Tebufenozide even at 10−10M induced CHR3 mRNA in lepidopteran CF-203 cells, but even at 10−5M it induced only trace levels of DHR3 mRNA in dipteran DM-2 cells. Studies using radiolabelled RH-5992 revealed that lepidopteran cell lines (CF-203 and MD-66) retained more of this compound within the cells than dipteran cell lines (DM-2 and Kc). The efflux of radiolabelled RH-5992 from DM-2 cells was temperature-dependent and was blocked by 10−5M ouabain, an inhibitor of Na+, K+-ATPase, suggesting that the efflux was due to active transport.