
Determination of the production rate of D*0mesons and of the ratio V/(V+P) in decays
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Ackerstaff, K.Alexander, G.Allison, J.Altekamp, N.Anderson, K. J.Anderson, S.Arcelli, S.Asai, S.Ashby, S. F.Axen, D.Azuelos, G.Ball, A. H.Barberio, E.Barlow, R. J.Bartoldus, R.Batley, J. R.Baumann, S.Bechtluft, J.Behnke, T.Bell, K. W.Bella, G.Bentvelsen, S.Bethke, S.Betts, S.Biebel, O.Biguzzi, A.Bird, S. D.Blobel, V.Bloodworth, I. J.Bobinski, M.Bock, P.Bonacorsi, D.Boutemeur, M.Braibant, S.Brigliadori, L.Brown, R. M.Burckhart, H. J.Burgard, C.Bürgin, R.Capiluppi, P.Carnegie, R. K.Carter, A. A.R.Carter, J.Chang, C. Y.Charlton, D. G.Chrisman, D.Clarke, P. E. L.Cohen, I.Conboy, J. E.Cooke, O. C.Couyoumtzelis, C.Coxe, R. L.Cuffiani, M.Dado, S.Dallapiccola, C.Dallavalle, G. M.Davis, R.Jong, S. Dedel Pozo, L. A.de Roeck, A.Desch, K.Dienes, B.Dixit, M. S.Doucet, M.Duchovni, E.Duckeck, G.Duerdoth, I. P.Eatough, D.Estabrooks, P. G.Etzion, E.Evans, H. G.Evans, M.Fabbri, F.Fanfani, A.Fanti, M.Faust, A. A.Feld, L.Fiedler, F.Fierro, M.Fischer, H. M.Fleck, I.Folman, R.Fong, D. G.Foucher, M.Fürtjes, A.Futyan, D. I.Gagnon, P.Gary, J. W.Gascon, J.Gascon-Shotkin, S. M.Geddes, N. I.Geich-Gimbel, C.Geralis, T.Giacomelli, G.Giacomelli, P.Giacomelli, R.Gibson, V.Gibson, W. R.Gingrich, D. M.Glenzinski, D.Goldberg, J.Goodrick, M. J.Gorn, W.Grandi, C.Gross, E.Grunhaus, J.Gruwé, M.Hajdu, C.Hanson, G. G.Hansroul, M.Hapke, M.Hargrove, C. K.Hart, P. A.Hartmann, C.Hauschild, M.Hawkes, C. M.Hawkings, R.Hemingway, R. J.Herndon, M.Herten, G.Heuer, R. D.Hildreth, M. D.Hill, J. C.Hillier, S. J.Hobson, P. R.Hocker, A.Homer, R. J.Honma, A. K.Horvath, D.Hossain, K. R.Howard, R.Hüntemeyer, P.Hutchcroft, D. E.Igo-Kemenes, P.Imrie, D. C.Ishii, K.Jawahery, A.Jeffreys, P. W.Jeremie, H.Jimack, M.Joly, A.Jones, C. R.Jones, M.Jost, U.Jovanovic, P.Junk, T. R.Kanzaki, J.Karlen, D.Kartvelishvili, V.Kawagoe, K.Kawamoto, T.Kayal, P. I.Keeler, R. K.Kellogg, R. G.Kennedy, B. W.Kirk, J.Klier, A.Kluth, S.Kobayashi, T.Kobel, M.Koetke, D. S.Kokott, T. P.Kolrep, M.Komamiya, S.Kowalewski, R. V.Kress, T.Krieger, P.von Krogh, J.Kyberd, P.Lafferty, G. D.Lahmann, R.Lai, W. P.Lanske, D.Lauber, J.Lautenschlager, S. R.Lawson, I.Layter, J. G.Lazic, D.Lee, A. M.Lefebvre, E.Lellouch, D.Letts, J.Levinson, L.List, B.Lloyd, S. L.Loebinger, F. K.Long, G. D.Losty, M. J.Ludwig, J.Lui, D.Macchiolo, A.Macpherson, A.Mannelli, M.Marcellini, S.Markopoulos, C.Markus, C.Martin, A. J.Martin, J. P.Martinez, G.Mashimo, T.Mättig, P.McDonald, W. J.McKenna, J.Mckigney, E. A.McMahon, T. J.McPherson, R. A.Meijers, F.Menke, S.Merritt, F. S.Mes, H.Meyer, J.Michelini, A.Mihara, S.Mikenberg, G.Miller, D. J.Mincer, A.Mir, R.Mohr, W.Montanari, A.Mori, T.Mihara, S.Nagai, K.Nakamura, I.Neal, H. A.Nellen, B.Nisius, R.O’Neale, S. W.Oakham, F. G.Odorici, F.Ogren, H. O.Oh, A.Oldershaw, N. J.Oreglia, M. J.Orito, S.Pálinkás, J.Pásztor, G.Pater, J. R.Patrick, G. N.Patt, J.Perez-Ochoa, R.Petzold, S.Pfeifenschneider, P.Pilcher, J. E.Pinfold, J.Plane, D. E.Poffenberger, P.Poli, B.Posthaus, A.Rembser, C.Robertson, S.Robins, S. A.Rodning, N.Roney, J. M.Rooke, A.Rossi, A. M.Routenburg, P.Rozen, Y.Runge, K.Runolfsson, O.Ruppel, U.Rust, D. R.Sachs, K.Saeki, T.Sahr, O.Sang, W. M.Sarkisyan, E. K. G.Sbarra, C.Schaile, A. D.Schaile, O.Scharf, F.Scharff-Hansen, P.Schieck, J.Schleper, P.Schmitt, B.Schmitt, S.Schöming, A.Schröder, M.Schumacher, M.Schwick, C.Scott, W. G.Shears, T. G.Shen, B. C.Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.Sherwood, P.Siroli, G. P.Sittler, A.Skillman, A.Skuja, A.Smith, A. M.Snow, G. A.Sobie, R.Söldner-Rembold, S.Springer, R. W.Sproston, M.Stephens, K.Steuerer, J.Stockhausen, B.Stoll, K.Strom, D.Ströhmer, R.Szymanski, P.Tafirout, R.Talbot, S. D.Taras, P.Tarem, S.Teuscher, R.Thiergen, M.Thomson, M. A.von Törne, E.Torrence, E.Towers, S.Trigger, I.Trócsányi, Z.Tsur, E.Turcot, A. S.Turner-Watson, M. F.Ueda, I.Utzat, P.Van Kooten, R.Vannerem, P.Verzocchi, M.Vikas, P.Vokurka, E. H.Voss, H.Wäckerle, F.Wagner, A.Ward, C. P.Ward, D. R.Watkins, P. M.Watson, A. T.Watson, N. K.Wells, P. S.Wermes, N.White, J. S.Wilson, G. W.Wilson, J. A.Wyatt, T. R.Yamashita, S.Yekutieli, G.Zacek, V.Zer-Zion, D.
The European Physical Journal C - Particles and Fields; August 1998, Vol. 5 Issue: 1 p1-17, 17p
14346044; 14346052
In e+e2212collisions at centre-of-mass energies around 91 GeV, D*0mesons have been reconstructed using data collected with the OPAL detector at LEP. The hadronisation fraction has been measured to be f(c→D*0)=0.218±0.054±0.045±0.007, where the errors correspond to the statistical and systematic errors specific to this analysis, and to systematic uncertainties from externally measured branching fractions, respectively. Together with previous OPAL measurements of the hadronisation fractions of other charmed mesons, this value is used to investigate the relative production of observed vector and pseudoscalar charmed mesons in decays. The production ratio is determined to be PeffV= V/(V+P)=0.57±0.05. The relative primary production of vector and pseudoscalar mesons, Pvrim, is studied in the context of the production and decay of orbitally excited charmed resonances. The first measurement of the inclusive Ds*+production rate in hadronic Z0decays is presented.