
Penetration of the Vestibule Following a History of Stapedectomy
Document Type
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal; December 2022, Vol. 101 Issue: Supplement 10 p33S-36S, 4p
01455613; 19427522
This case study describes a 72-year-old female with a history of stapedectomy 40 years prior. She presented experiencing vertigo, fogginess, and imbalance for 9 months. Computed tomography (CT) imaging revealed that the prosthesis was displaced into the vestibule by approximately 2.1 to 2.4 mm. The patient was presented with treatment options, including observation, removal, replacement of the prosthesis, and an oval window patch. The patient opted for observation as the symptoms she was experiencing did not significantly impact her quality of life. Although a stapedectomy may fail for a multitude of reasons, some of the most common causes are prosthesis displacement, especially out of the oval window into the middle ear or away from the incus. Incus necrosis may also play a substantial role in failure.