
Titanium Alloys as Fixation Device Material for Cranioplasty and Its Safety in Electroconvulsive Therapy
Document Type
The Journal of ECT; March 2011, Vol. 27 Issue: 1 pe27-e28, 2p
10950680; 15334112
Here, we report the case of a patient successfully treated by a series of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) who had implanted skull fixation devices made of titanium alloy. The patient was a 57-year-old man with bipolar I disorder. He was hospitalized for the treatment of manic symptoms of bipolar I disorder with pharmacotherapy and ECT. He sustained a fall and hit his head hard on the ground. Acute subdural hematoma developed, and emergent surgery to remove the hematoma was carried out. Cranioplasty was performed using fixation devices made of titanium alloy (Ti 6Al-4V). In order to control his manic symptoms, a series of ECT was readministered from 1 week after surgery. No adverse effects occurred. Devices must be investigated and chosen very carefully for permanent implantation, especially in patients during a course of ECT.