
Amyloid β(1–42) peptide impairs mitochondrial respiration in primary human brain microvascular endothelial cells: impact of dysglycemia and pre-senescence
Document Type
GeroScience; December 2022, Vol. 44 Issue: 6 p2721-2739, 19p
25092715; 25092723
Diabetes increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We investigated the impact of glucose concentrations on the β-amyloid (Aβ)-induced alteration of mitochondrial/cellular energetics in primary human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs). HBMECs were grown and passaged in media containing 15 mmol/l glucose (normal) based on which the glucose levels in the media were designated as high (25 mmol/L) or low (5 mmol/L). HBMECs were treated with Aβ (1–42) (5 µmol/l) or a scrambled peptide for 24 h and mitochondrial respiratory parameters were measured using Seahorse Mito Stress Test. Aβ (1–42) decreased the mitochondrial ATP production at normal glucose levels and decreased spare respiratory capacity at high glucose levels. Aβ (1–42) diminished all mitochondrial respiratory parameters markedly at low glucose levels that were not completely recovered by restoring normal glucose levels in the media. The addition of mannitol (10 mmol/l) to low and normal glucose-containing media altered the Aβ (1–42)-induced bioenergetic defects. Even at normal glucose levels, pre-senescent HMBECs (passage 15) displayed greater Aβ (1–42)-induced mitochondrial respiratory impairments than young cells (passages 7–9). Thus, hypoglycemia, osmolarity changes, and senescence are stronger instigators of Aβ (1–42)-induced mitochondrial respiration and energetics in HBMECs and contributors to diabetes-related increased AD risk than hyperglycemia.