
Measurement of the tau polarisation at the Z resonance
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Buskulic, D.Decamp, D.Goy, C.Lees, J. -P.Minard, M. -N.Mours, B.Pietrzyk, B.Alemany, R.Ariztizabal, F.Comas, P.Crespo, J. M.Delfino, M.Fenandez, E.Fernandez-Bosman, M.Gaitan, V.Garrido, Ll.Mattison, T.Pacheco, A.Padilla, C.Pascual, A.Creanza, D.de Palma, M.Farilla, A.Iaselli, G.Maggi, G.Maggi, M.Natali, S.Nuzzo, S.Quattromini, M.Ranieri, A.Raso, G.Romano, F.Ruggieri, F.Selvaggi, G.Silvestris, L.Tempesta, P.Zito, G.Chai, Y.Hu, H.Huang, D.Huang, X.Lin, J.Wang, T.Xie, Y.Xu, D.Xu, R.Zhang, J.Zhao, W.Bauerdick, L. A. T.Blucher, E.Bonvicini, G.Boudreau, J.Casper, D.Drevermann, H.Forty, R. W.Ganis, G.Gay, C.Hagelberg, R.Harvey, J.Haywood, S.Hilgart, J.Jacobsen, R.Jost, B.Knobloch, J.Lehraus, I.Lohse, T.Lusiani, A.Martinez, M.Mato, P.Meinhard, H.Minten, A.Miotto, A.Miquel, R.Moser, H. -G.Palazzi, P.Perlas, J. A.Pusztaszeri, J. -F.Ranjard, F.Redlinger, G.Rolandi, L.Rothberg, J.Ruan, T.Saich, M.Schlatter, D.Schmelling, M.Sefkow, F.Tejessy, W.Wachsmuth, H.Wiedenmann, W.Wildish, T.Witzeling, W.Wotschack, J.Ajaltouni, Z.Badaud, F.Bardadin-Otwinowska, M.El Fellous, R.Falvard, A.Gay, P.Guicheney, C.Henrard, P.Jousset, J.Michel, B.Montret, J. -C.Pallin, D.Perret, P.Podlyski, F.Proriol, J.Prulhière, F.Saadi, F.Fearnley, T.Hansen, J. D.Hansen, J. R.Hansen, P. H.Møllerud, R.Nilsson, B. S.Candlin, D. J.Parsons, M. I.Veitch, E.Moneta, L.Parrini, G.Corden, M.Georgiopoulos, C.Ikeda, M.Lannutti, J.Levinthal, D.Mermikides, M.Sawyer, L.Wasserbaech, S.Antonelli, A.Baldini, R.Bencivenni, G.Bologna, G.Bossi, F.Campana, P.Capon, G.Cerutti, F.Chiarella, V.D'Ettorre-Piazzoli, B.Felici, G.Laurelli, P.Mannocchi, G.Murtas, F.Murtas, G. P.Passalacqua, L.Pepe-Altarelli, M.Picchi, P.Colrain, P.ten Have, I.Lynch, J. G.Maitland, W.Morton, W. T.Raine, C.Reeves, P.Scarr, J. M.Smith, K.Smith, M. G.Thompson, A. S.Turnbull, R. M.Brandl, B.Braun, O.Geweniger, C.Hanke, P.Hepp, V.Kluge, E. E.Maumary, Y.Putzer, A.Rensch, B.Stahl, A.Tittel, K.Wunsch, M.Belk, A. T.Beuselinck, R.Binnie, D. M.Cameron, W.Cattaneo, M.Colling, D. J.Dornan, P. J.Dugeay, S.Greene, A. M.Hassaed, J. F.Lieske, N. M.Nash, J.Payne, D. G.Phillips, M. J.Sedgbeer, J. K.Tomalin, I. R.Wright, A. G.Girtler, P.Kneringer, E.Kuhn, D.Rudolph, G.Bowdery, C. K.Brodbeck, T. J.Finch, A. J.Foster, F.Hughes, G.Jackson, D.Keemer, N. R.Nuttall, M.Patel, A.Sloan, T.Snow, S. W.Whelan, E. P.Efthymiopoulos, I.Kyriakis, A.Simopoulou, E.Vayaki, A.Zachariadou, K.Badier, J.Blondel, A.Bonneaud, G.Brient, J. C.Fouque, G.Orteu, S.Rougé, A.Rumpf, M.Tanaka, R.Verderi, M.Videau, H.Adlung, S.Assmann, R.Bauer, C.Blum, W.Brown, D.Cattaneo, P.Dehning, B.Dietl, H.Dydak, F.Frank, M.Halley, A. W.Lauber, J.Lütjens, G.Lutz, G.Männer, W.Richter, R.Rotscheidt, H.Schröder, J.Schwarz, A. S.Settles, R.Seywerd, H.Stierlin, U.Stiegler, U.Denis, R. St.Wolf, G.Boucrot, J.Callot, O.Cordier, A.Davier, M.Duflot, L.Grivaz, J. -F.Heusse, Ph.Jaffe, D. E.Janot, P.Kim, D. W.Le Diberder, F.Lefrançois, J.Lutz, A. -M.Schune, M. -H.Veillet, J. -J.Videau, I.Zhang, Z.Abbaneo, D.Bagliesi, G.Batignani, G.Bosisio, L.Bottigli, U.Bozzi, C.Calderini, G.Carpinelli, M.Ciocci, M. A.Dell'Orso, R.Ferrante, I.Fidecaro, F.Foa, L.Focardi, E.Forti, F.Giassi, A.Giorgi, M. A.Gregorio, A.Ligabue, F.Mannelli, E. B.Marrocchesi, P. S.Messineo, A.Palla, F.Rizzo, G.Sanguinetti, G.Spagnolo, P.Steinberger, J.Tenchini, R.Tonelli, G.Triggiani, G.Vannini, C.Venturi, A.Verdini, P. G.Walsh, J.Betteridge, A. P.Carter, J. M.Green, M. G.March, P. V.Mir, Ll. M.Medcalf, T.Quazi, I. S.Strong, J. A.West, L. R.Botterill, D. R.Clifft, R. W.Edgecock, T. R.Edwards, M.Fisher, S. M.Jones, T. J.Norton, P. R.Salmon, D. P.Thompson, J. C.Kleinknecht, K.Raab, J.Renk, B.Sander, H. -G.Schmidt, H.Steeg, F.Walther, S. M.Wanke, R.Wolf, B.Aubert, J. -J.Bencheikh, A. M.Benchouk, C.Bonissent, A.Carr, J.Coyle, P.Drinkard, J.Etienne, F.Nicod, D.Papalexiou, S.Payre, P.Roos, L.Rousseau, D.Schwemling, P.Talby, M.Bloch-Devaux, B.Colas, P.Duarte, H.Kozanecki, W.Lançon, E.Lemaire, M. C.Locci, E.Perez, P.Perrier, F.Rander, J.Renardy, J. -F.Rosowsky, A.Roussarie, A.Schuller, J. -P.Schwindling, J.Si Mohand, D.Vallage, B.Johnson, R. P.Litke, A. M.Taylor, G.Wear, J.Ashman, J. G.Babbage, W.Booth, C. N.Buttar, C.Carney, R. E.Cartwright, S.Combley, F.Hatfield, F.Thompson, L. F.Barberio, E.Böhrer, A.Brandt, S.Cowan, G.Grupen, C.Lutters, G.Rivera, F.Schäfer, U.Marina, R. DellaGiannini, G.Gobbo, B.Ragusa, F.Bellantoni, L.Chen, W.Cinabro, D.Conway, J. S.Cowen, D. F.Feng, Z.Ferguson, D. P. S.Gao, Y. S.Grahl, J.Harton, J. L.Jared, R. C.LeClaire, B. W.Lishka, C.Pan, Y. B.Pater, J. R.Saadi, Y.Schmitt, M.Sharma, V.Shi, Z. H.Walsh, A. M.Weber, F. V.Wu, Sau LanWu, X.Zheng, M.Zobernig, G.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields; September 1993, Vol. 59 Issue: 3 p369-386, 18p
01709739; 14315858
Using 18.8 pb-1 of data collected in 1990 and 1991, ALEPH has measured the tau polarisation in the decay modes t?ev  $$\bar v$$ , t?µv  $$\bar v$$ , t?p?, t??? and t?a1?, using both the individual tau decay kinematics and the event acollinearity. The measurement of the tau polarisation as a function of the production polar angle yields the two parametersAt andAe, whereAl=2gvlgAl/(gvl)2+(gAl)2] The resultsAt=0.143±0.023 andAe=0.120±0.026 are consistent with the hypothesis of electron-tau universality. Assuming universality yields a measurement of the effective weak mixing angle sin2?weff=0.2332±0.0022.