
Impurity behaviour in the ASDEX Upgrade divertor tokamak with large area tungsten walls
Document Type
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion; June 1, 2002, Vol. 44 Issue: 6 p811-826, 16p
At the central column of ASDEX Upgrade, an area of 5.5 m2 of graphite tiles was replaced by tungsten-coated tiles representing about two-thirds of the total area of the central column. No negative influence on the plasma performance was found, except for internal transport barrier limiter discharges. The tungsten influx ΓW stayed below the detection limit only during direct plasma wall contact or for reduced clearance in divertor discharges spectroscopic evidence for ΓW could be found. From these observations a penetration factor of the order of 1% and effective sputtering yields of about 10-3 could be derived, pointing to a strong contribution by light intrinsic impurities to the total \mbox{W-sputtering}. The tungsten concentrations ranged from below 10-6 up to a few times 10-5. Generally, in discharges with increased density peaking, a tendency for increased central tungsten concentrations or even accumulation was observed. Central heating (mostly) by ECRH led to a strong reduction of the central impurity content, accompanied by a very benign reduction of the energy confinement. The observations suggest that the W-source strength plays only an inferior role for the central W-content compared to the transport, since in the discharges with increased W-concentration neither an increase in the W-influx nor a change in the edge parameters was observed. In contrast, there is strong experimental evidence, that the central impurity concentration can be controlled externally by central heating.