
The role of the brainderived neurotrophic factor BDNFval66metvariant in the phenotypic expression of obsessivecompulsive disorder OCDHow to Cite this Article: Katerberg H, Lochner C, Cath DC, de Jonge P, Bochdanovits Z, MoolmanSmook JC, Hemmings SMJ, Carey PD, Stein DJ, Sondervan D, den Boer JA, van Balkom AJLM, Polman A, Heutink P. 2009. The Role of the BrainDerived Neurotrophic Factor BDNFval66metVariant in the Phenotypic Expression of ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder OCD. Am J Med Genet Part B 150B:1050–1062.
Document Type
American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics: The Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics; December 2009, Vol. 150 Issue: 8 p1050-1062, 13p
15524841; 1552485X
Evidence suggests that the Val66Metvariant of the brainderived neurotrophic factor BDNF gene may play a role in the etiology of ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder OCD. In this study, the role of the BDNF Val66Metvariant in the etiology and the phenotypic expression of OCD is investigated. Associations between the BDNF Val66Metvariant and OCD, obsessivecompulsive symptom dimensions, YaleBrown Obsessive Compulsive Scale YBOCS severity scores, age of onset and family history of obsessivecompulsive symptoms were assessed. The BDNF Val66Metvariant was genotyped in 419 patients with subclinical OCD and 650 controls. No differences in allele or genotype frequency were observed between cases and controls. In females with OCD, the Met66Metgenotype was associated with later age of onset and a trend for a negative family history, whereas the Val66Valgenotype was associated with a trend for lower YBOCS severity scores. Itemlevel factor analysis revealed six factors: 1 Contaminationcleaning; 2 Aggressive obsessionschecking; 3 Symmetry obsessions, counting, ordering and repeating; 4 Sexualreligious obsessions; 5 Hoarding and 6 Somatic obsessionschecking. A trend was found for a positive association between Factor 4 Sexualreligious obsessions and the BDNF Val66Valgenotype. The results suggest that BDNFfunction may be implicated in the mediation of OCD. We found that for the BDNF Met66Metgenotype may be associated with a milder phenotype in females and a possible role for the BDNF Val66Valgenotype and the BDNF Val66allele in the sexualreligious obsessions. © 2009 WileyLiss, Inc.