
Neuronal wires and novel epileptic gene studies: Methods and mechanism of brain network and - Recent update
Document Type
Human Gene; September 2023, Vol. 37 Issue: 1
Neurons are simple cell structure of the neuronal system. Brain networks are formed from a single neuron to highly complex, interconnected neurons (nearly 100 billion).The interconnected neurons function includes excitation and inhibition activity. The imbalance between excitation and inhibition mechanisms of neurons, causing seizure/epilepsy, are known as an ictogenic mechanism. In particular, ictogenic mechanisms caused by genetic factors are attributed to epilepsy development. Study of epileptic genetic polymorphism, mitochondrial genes, transporter genes, and signalling pathways are reported by several molecular genetic tools including NGS, WGS, and WES. The genetics of epilepsy reached to peaks and still extending the branches to solve the mysteries behind the brain and epileptic/seizure causing genes. Genes such as, AQP4, SESN3, ARX, NTNG1, NTNG2 and WWOXrequires more attention. In light of the aforementioned, this review examines the brain network during epilepsy, as well as contemporary studies on molecular genetics, gene annotation and analysis, epilepsy treatments before conclusion.