
P114 Improving the use of patients own medication in the hospice setting
Document Type
Supportive & Palliative Care; 20130101, Vol. 3 Issue: 0 pA50-A50, 1p
2045435X; 20454368
IntroductionThe use a of patients’ own medications is improved at Trinity Hospice by patient’s being encouraged to bring them in when being admitted. Advantages of using a patient’s own medications are widely recognised and include aiding prompt completion of medicines reconciliation, thus achieving more accurate prescribing on admission, medication being available faster on the wards and of a quality that is suitable for self-administration, reducing the number of late and missed doses, patients continuing to use medication brands with which they are familiar or are required to due to inter-brand differences in bioavailability and considerable savings for the hospice’s drug expenditure.AimsTo establish a procedure framework that improves the re-use of a patient’s own medications whilst minimising patient risk.To inform governance priorities for the re-use of a patient’s own medications particularly those involving high risk drugs.MethodA multidisciplinary team was established with representation from pharmacy, doctors and nurses in order to develop a clinical protocol for the management of a patient’s own medications.The protocol manages how a patient’s own medications are assessed for suitability to be administered using a decision-support algorithm, obtaining further supplies and the essential documentation. Staff were deemed competent to undertake this procedure provided they attended a training workshop and successfully complete the training competency.Results & DiscussionIn order to quality-assure the protocol adherence to the process will be audited on a regular basis. The results of this alongside incident surveillance will provide on-going risk management and identify areas for improvement.ConclusionTrinity hospice has approved this protocol. Staff eligible to undertake a role have been accredited to do so. Under the terms of the Hospice’s approval an audit of adherence and critical risk assessment will inform the further development of this medicine system.