
Low-level HCV Viraemia after Initial Response during Antiviral Therapy: Transcription-Mediated Amplification Predicts Treatment Failure
Document Type
Antiviral Therapy; April 2007, Vol. 12 Issue: 3 p423-428, 6p
Background In chronic hepatitis C patients with an initial virological response (IVR) during antiviral therapy (that is, HCV RNA becomes negative before week 16 of treatment) the significance of reappearing viraemia below the detection limit of PCR is not known. We studied this phenomenon in subsets of patients.Methods We assessed HCV RNA at weeks 16 and 20 of therapy by PCR and by more sensitive transcription-mediated amplification (TMA) in 23 patients with breakthrough or relapse and in 34 patients with sustained virological response (SVR). All patients participated in a high-dose-interferon induction study for difficult-to-treat patients. Therapy consisted of amantadine hydrochloride and ribavirin, combined with interferon-a2b induction during the first 6 weeks and thereafter combined with weekly pegylated interferon-a2b.Results Among the 57 IVR patients, we detected transient or persistent reappearance of low levels of HCV RNA in 10 of the 23 (43%) patients with eventual breakthrough or relapse; but in none of the 34 SVR patients. In 5 of 10 patients reappearing HCV RNA was only detectable by TMA.Conclusion Reappearance of low levels of HCV RNA in patients with IVR predicts treatment failure.