
Cloned mRNA sequences for two types of embryonic myosin heavy chains from chick skeletal muscle. II. Expression during development using S1 nuclease mapping.
Document Type
Journal of Biological Chemistry; April 1983, Vol. 258 Issue: 8 p5206-5214, 9p
00219258; 1083351X
We have examined the expression of two embryonic myosin HC mRNAs using two cDNA clones (110 and 251) which we have previously constructed from RNA isolated from 14-day-old embryonic chick skeletal muscle. Sequence divergence in the 3' nontranslated regions enabled us to analyze the differential expression of the mRNAs corresponding to the two clones using the S1 nuclease mapping procedure. Clone 251 mRNA is expressed primarily in embryonic fast muscle, where its transcripts appear to be the predominant species. This mRNA is minimally expressed in the posthatching period, but it is not detected in adult leg and breast muscle. Messenger RNA for clone 110 is also primarily expressed in embryonic fast muscle. However, in the posthatching and adult stages of development, it continues to be expressed at a low level in leg muscle but not in breast muscle. The differential expression of these mRNAs during development strongly indicates that they correspond to two different genes coding for embryonic myosin HCs. Other myosin HC mRNAs which were partially homologous to the clone 110 or 251 mRNAs were also identified by S1 nuclease mapping. Using the probes from these two clones, a minimum of four other developmentally expressed forms were detected. Two of these correspond to "neonatal" myosin HCs, while the other two code for different adult myosin HCs present in leg and in breast muscle, respectively. The results therefore suggest a much greater diversity of myosin HC mRNAs expressed during development than previously reported.