
Multi-photon final states in e+e collisions at ∝s =130-172 GeV
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Ackerstaff, K.Alexander, G.Allison, J.Altekamp, N.Anderson, K. J.Anderson, S.Arcelli, S.Asai, S.Axen, D.Azuelos, G.Ball, A. H.Barberio, E.Barlow, R. J.Bartoldus, R.Batley, J. R.Baumann, S.Bechtluft, J.Beeston, C.Behnke, T.Bell, A. N.Bella, K. W.Bella, G.Bentvelsen, S.Bethke, S.Biebel, O.Biguzzi, A.Bird, S. D.Blobel, V.Bloodworth, I. J.Bloomer, J. E.Bobinskilo, M.Bock, P.Bonacorsi, D.Boutemeur, M.Bouwens, B. T.Braibant, S.Brigliadori, L.Brown, R. M.Burckhart, H. J.Burgard, C.Biirgin, R.Capiluppi, P.Carnegie, R. K.Carter, A. A.Carter, J. R.Chang, C. Y.Charlton, D. G.Chrisman, D.Clarke, P. E. L.Cohen, I.Conboy, J. E.Cooke, O. C.Cuffiani, M.Dado, S.Dallapiccola, C.Dallavalle, G. M.Davis, R.De Jong, S.del Pozo, L. A.Desch, K.Dienes, B.Dixit, M. S.do Couto e Silva, E.Doucet, M.Duchovni, E.Duckeck, G.Duerdoth, I. P.Eatough, D.Edwards, J. E. G.Estabrooks, P. G.Evans, H. G.Evans, M.Fabbri, F.Fanti, M.Faust, A. A.Fiedler, F.Fierro, M.Fischer, H. M.Fleck, I.Folman, R.Fong, D. G.Foucher, M.Fürtjes, A.Futyan, D. I.Gagnon, P.Gary, J. W.Gascon, J.Gascon-Shotkin, S. M.Geddes, N. I.Geich-Gimbel, C.Geralis, T.Giacomelli, G.Giacomelli, P.Giacomelli, R.Gibson, V.Gibson, W. R.Gingrich, D. M.Glenzinski, D.Goldberg, J.Goodrick, M. J.Gorn, W.Grandi, C.Gross, E.Grunhaus, J.Gruwé, M.Hajdu, C.Hanson, G. G.Hansroul, M.Hapke, M.Hargrove, C. K.Hart, P. A.Hartmann, C.Hauschild, M.Hawkes, C. M.Hawkings, R.Hemingway, R. J.Herndon, M.Herten, G.Heuer, R. D.Hildreth, M. D.Hill, J. C.Hillier, S. J.Hobson, P. R.Homer, R. J.Honma, A. K.Horvath, D.Hossain, K. R.Howard, R.Hüntemeyer, P.Hutchcroft, D. E.Igo-Kemenes, P.Imrie, D. C.Ingram, M. R.Ishii, K.Jawahery, A.Jeffreys, P. W.Jeremie, H.Jimack, M.Joly, A.Jones, C. R.Jones, G.Jones, M.Jost, U.Jovanovic, P.Junk, T. R.Karlen, D.Kartvelishvili, V.Kawagoe, K.Kawamoto, T.Kayal, P. I.Keeler, R. K.Kellogg, R. G.Kennedy, B. W.Kirk, J.Klier, A.Kluth, S.Kobayashi, T.Kobello, M.Koetke, D. S.Kokott, T. P.Kolrep, M.Komamiya, S.Kress, T.Krieger, P.von Krogh, J.Kyberd, P.Lafferty, G. D.Lahmann, R.Lai, W. P.Lanske, D.Lauber, J.Lautenschlager, S. R.Layter, J. G.Lazic, D.Lee, A. M.Lefebvre, E.Lellouch, D.Letts, J.Levinson, L.Lloyd, S. L.Loebinger, F. K.Long, G. D.Losty, M. J.Ludwig, J.Macchiolo, A.Macpherson, A.Mannelli, M.Marcellini, S.Markus, C.Martin, A. J.Martin, J. P.Martinez, G.Mashimo, T.Mättig, P.McDonald, W. J.McKenna, J.Mckigney, E. A.McMahon, T. J.McPherson, R. A.Meijers, F.Menke, S.Merritt, F. S.Mes, H.Meyer, J.Michelini, A.Mikenberg, G.Miller, D. J.Mincer, A.Mir, R.Mohr, W.Montanari, A.Mori, T.Morii, M.Müller, U.Mihara, S.Nagai, K.Nakamura, I.Neal, H. A.Nellen, B.Nisius, R.O'Neale, S. W.Oakham, F. G.Odorici, F.Ogren, H. O.Oh, A.Oldershaw, N. J.Oreglia, M. J.Orito, S.Palinkas, J.Pasztor, G.Pater, J. R.Patriek, G. N.Patt, J.Pearce, M. J.Perez-Ochoa, R.Petzold, S.Pfeifenschneider, P.Pilcher, J. E.Pinfold, J.Plane, D. E.Poffenberger, P.Poli, B.Posthaus, A.Rees, D. L.Rigby, D.Robertson, S.Robins, S. A.Rodning, N.Roney, J. M.Rooke, A.Ros, E.Rossi, A. M.Routenburg, P.Rozen, Y.Runge, K.Runolfsson, O.Ruppel, U.Rust, D. R.Rylko, R.Sachs, K.Saeki, T.Sarkisyan, E. K. G.Sbarra, C.Schaile, A. D.Schaile, O.Scharf, F.Scharff-Hansen, P.Schenk, P.Schieck, J.Schleper, P.Schmitt, B.Schmitt, S.Schöning, A.Schröder, M.Schultz-Coulon, H. C.Schumacher, M.Schwick, C.Scott, W. G.Shears, T. G.Shen, B. C.Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.Sherwood, P.Siroli, G. P.Sittler, A.Skillman, A.Skuja, A.Smith, A. M.Snow, G. A.Sobie, R.Söldner-Rembold, S.Springer, R. W.Sproston, M.Stephens, K.Steuerer, J.Stockhausen, B.Stoll, K.Strom, D.Szymanski, P.Tafirout, R.Talbot, S. D.Tanaka, S.Taras, P.Tarem, S.Teuscher, R.Thiergen, M.Thomson, M. A.von Törne, E.Towers, S.Trigger, I.Trócsányi, Z.Tsur, E.Turcot, A. S.Turner-Watson, M. F.Utzat, P.Van Kooten, R.Verzocchi, M.Vikas, P.Vokurka, E. H.Voss, H.Wackerle, F.Wagner, A.Wards, C. P.Wards, D. R.Watkins, P. M.Watson, A. T.Watson, N. K.Wells, P. S.Wermes, N.White, J. S.Wilkens, B.Wilson, G. W.Wilson, J. A.Wolf, G.Wyatt, T. R.Yamashita, S.Yekutieli, G.Zacek, V.Zer-Zion, D.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields; March 1979, Vol. 1 Issue: 1-2 p21-30, 10p
01709739; 14315858
The process e+e →, γγ(γ) is studied using data recorded with the OPAL detector at LEP. The data sample corresponds to a total integrated luminosity of 25.38 pb−1 taken at centre-of-mass energies of 130–172 GeV. The measured cross-sections agree well with the expectation from QED. In a combined fit using data from all centre-of-mass energies, the angular distribution is used to obtain improved limits on the cut-off parameters: Λ+ > 195 GeV and Λ > 210 GeV (95% CL). In addition, limits on nonstandard e+eγ couplings and contact interactions, as well as a 95% CL mass limit for an excited electron,Me*= > 194 GeV for an e+eγ coupling κ = 1, are determined.