
A Robust and Versatile Automated Glycoanalytical Technology for Serum Antibodies and Acute Phase Proteins: Ovarian Cancer Case Study*[S]
Document Type
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (MCP Online); November 2019, Vol. 18 Issue: 11 p2191-2206, 16p
15359476; 15359484
On a fully automated liquid handling station, the N-glycomes of antibodies IgG, IgM, and IgA and acute phase proteins transferrin, haptoglobin and alpha-1-antitrypsin from human serum have been purified and structurally characterized using UPLC, exoglycosidase digestions and LC-MS. The glycoprofiles of the resultant AQC labelled N-glycans from each glycoprotein can be used to quantitatively compare the structural differences between healthy, borderline and metastatic ovarian cancer. Statistical tools and discrimination models are employed to generate a diagnostic tool to discriminate between different stages of ovarian cancer. Future applications of the technology termed “GlycoSeqCap” include an extension to other inflammatory diseases.