
The N terminus of hamster polyomavirus middle T antigen carries a determinant for specific activation of p59c-Fyn
Document Type
The Journal of Virology; February 1997, Vol. 71 Issue: 2 p1436-1442, 7p
0022538X; 10985514
Transformation by rodent polyomaviruses is mediated primarily by middle T antigen, a membrane-bound protein that does not carry an intrinsic enzymatic activity but interacts and subverts the activity of cellular regulators of proliferation. The multiple protein partners of murine polyomavirus (Py) middle T antigen include the tyrosine kinases c-Src and, to a lesser extent, c-Fyn and c-Yes. By contrast, the hamster polyomavirus (HaPV) middle T antigen selectively activates the c-Fyn gene product. This difference may account for the contrasting tumor patterns induced by the two viruses. The sequences of the respective N-terminal and C-terminal functional domains of murine Py and HaPV middle T antigens are highly conserved whereas the intervening stretches are clearly divergent, leading to the speculation that this divergence may direct the specificity for tyrosine kinase activation. We have addressed this issue by constructing a chimera middle T antigen molecule carrying the N-terminal domain from HaPV (exon 1) in phase with the other two domains from murine Py (exon 2). The biological properties of this chimera molecule are indistinguishable from those of HaPV middle T antigen; it specifically activates p59c-Fyn and carries the transforming phenotype of the HaPV middle T antigen on rat fibroblasts.