
Instability of the ankle after injury to the lateral ligament
Document Type
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - British Volume; May 1980, Vol. 62 Issue: 2 p196-200, 5p
Ligamentous instability of the ankle joint can be confirmed by radiographs taken in two planes. The place of the anteroposterior varus stress view is established, but the lateral view which shows anterior subluxation of the talus is frequently omitted. The anatomical significance of the two stress views has been determined by dividing different components of the lateral ligament of 20 cadaveric ankles and noting the subluxation that resulted from these procedures. A clinical assessment was then made of 54 ankles (46 patients) with radiological evidence of instability when subjected to varus and anterior stress. Anterior subluxation was found to be considerably more common than varus tilt, and it is therefore suggested that the lateral stress view should be an essential part of the investigation of the unstable ankle.