
Testing Method for External Cladding Systems - Incerc Romania
Document Type
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering; June 2017, Vol. 209 Issue: 1 p012102-012102, 1p
17578981; 1757899X
This research presents a new testing method in a natural scale for external cladding systems tested on buildings with minimum than 3 floors [1]. The testing method is unique in Romania and it is similar about many fire testing current methods from European Union states. Also, presents the fire propagation and the effect of fire smoke on the building facade composed of thermal insulation. Laboratory of testing and research for building fire safety from National Institute INCERC Bucharest, provides a test method for determining the fire performance characteristics of non-loadbearing external cladding systems and external wall insulation systems when applied to the face of a building and exposed to an external fire under controlled conditions [2]. The fire exposure is representative of an external fire source or a fully-developed (post-flashover) fire in a room, venting through an opening such as a window aperture that exposes the cladding to the effects of external flames, or an external fire source. On the future, fire tests will be experimented for answer demande a number of high-profile fires where the external facade of tall buildings provided a route for vertical fire spread.